Getting Inspired by Your Surroundings

Getting Inspired by Your Surroundings

When I work on a model home, my first priority is bringing the outside in - what's going to make the buyer feel like what he experienc...
Boxal Makes it Easy to be Green

Boxal Makes it Easy to be Green

You never know where you will find a really cool new product or inspiration, and last week when I attended 'til Midnight at the Nasher S...
Wining and Dining at the Nasher Sculpture Center

Wining and Dining at the Nasher Sculpture Center

Sometimes it's just to hot to cook at home, so last night I decided to let the Wolfgang Puck team at the Nasher Sculpture Center do i...
Lifestylist® Advisory: Free Travel Resources From Yelp

Lifestylist® Advisory: Free Travel Resources From Yelp

One of my favorite new resources is - an online resource that can help you find restaurants, hotels, nightlife and shopping in ...
Restrepo: A Life Changing Film

Restrepo: A Life Changing Film

I'm a huge believer that things happen for a reason. We may not know why at the time, but people, places, and events come into our l...